Thank you for checking out the CLEARnode site. We are developing and supporting networks and systems for Counties and Municipalities all over the country. Utilizing exiting infrastructure and properties own by counties and or their municipalities we are turning them into UltraFast Internet Service Providers. There is no time better than now to build out REAL world remote networks than can allow social distancing and work from home. Remote work groups cannot function with today’s network offerings in just about any locale in the United States. The infrastructure has not been put into place. Even with States and the Federal Government offering millions in grant monies little if anything has been done to take the internet even in its slowest form to the rural areas that require better access.
CLEARnode turns your County into a brand new UltraFast Internet Service Provider. Complete billing and access systems, complete tech network management systems, simple on line signs up from anywhere under the County canopy. Your County can bring in millions of dollars that are currently bleeding out to ISP companies providing poor and in most cases useless internet connectivity. The money coming in can ensure that each community continues to upgrade and enhance this UltraFast network immediately rather than waiting for years to obtain simple upgrades. Counties, you can increase your tax base by bringing in thousands of remote workers simply by adding an UltraFast network system built by CLEARnode.